photo of diary page example
Diary page from 1984

This is where you will find the sources for quotes used in the project documentation book of Theatre of the Self.

Anderson L., (ed) Women and autobiography in the twentieth Century (remembered futures) , Prentice Hall / Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1992

Bal, M.,  Quoting Caravaggio: Contemporary Art, Preposterous History (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999)

Battersby, C., Phenomenal woman: feminist metaphysics and the patterns of identity, Polity Press, 1998

Berger, J., Permanent Red: Essays in Seeing, Writers and Readers Publishing Cooperative; 1987

Betterton, R. (ed), An Intimate Distance: women artists and the body, Routledge, London/NY, 1996

Braidotti, R. Patterns of Dissonance, Polity Press, 1991

Braidotti, R. Nomadic Subjects. Embodiment and Sexual Difference in Contemporary Feminist Theory, Columbia University Press, 1994

BroughtonTL.  & Anderson L. (eds) Women lives/Women’s Times new essays on auto/biography, State University of New York Press, 1997

Cameron  J., Vein of Gold,  Souvenir Press Ltd; 2013

Conboy K., Medina N., Stanbury S., (eds) Writing on the Body, Female Embodiment and Feminist Theory, Columbia Uni Press, 1997

Cosslet, T., Lury C., summerfield, P., (eds) Feminism and autobiography texts, theories, methods, Routledge; 2002

Cull L.,  (Ed). Deleuze and performance, Edinburgh University Press; 2009

De Laurentis, T., (ed) Feminist Studies/Critical Studies, Macmillan,University o f Winsconsin, 1986

Der Kunst, H., (ed) Joan Jonas, Hirmer, 2018

Du gay, Evans and Redman, Identity a reader

Grosz, E. Volatile Bodies:Towards a Corporeal Feminism, Indiana University Press, 1994

Grosz, E., Space, Time, and Perversion, Routledge, (US), 1995

Harrison & Wood (eds.) Art in Theory 1900-1990, Blackwell Ltd, 1992

Hassan A., Writing and reality a study of modern British diary fiction, Greenwood Press, 1992 

Kaye N., & Giannachi G,. Performing presence between the live and the simulated, Manchester University Press, 2011

Miller, L., Voices Made Flesh:Performing Women’s Autobiography (Winsonsin Studies in Autobiography), 2003

Pisters, P., (ed) The Matrix of Visual Culture:Working with Deleuze in Film Theory (Cultural Memory in the Present) Stanford University Press, 2003

Pollock G., After-Affects/After-Images: Trauma and Aesthetic Transformation in the Virtual feminist Museum (Re-thinking Art’s Histories), Manchester Uni press, 2013

Robinson, H., Reading art reading Irigary, 2006

Schneider, R., Performing Remains: Art and War in Times of Theatrical Reenactment, Routledge;2011 

Steedman C,. Landscape for a Good Woman: A Story of Two Women, Virago,1986

Swindells J, The uses of Autobiography,  (Feminist Perspectives on the Past and Present), Taylor & Francis, 2014

Straub J;, (ed) Narration, Identity, and Historical Consciousness,  Berghahn Books,2006

The personal narratives group: Interpreting Women’s Lives: Feminist Theory and Personal Narratives, Indiana University Press,1989

Van der Kolk, B., The body knows the score, Penguin; 2015


Milan Kundera Immortality

Anais Nin, Spy in the House of Love & also a reference from non-fiction Anais Nin 3:296 diary vol 3

Eco, Umberto, Mysterious flame of Queen loana

Marge Piercy, Woman on the Edge of Time

Online sources

On Doris Lessing and the Golden Notebook:, 10/11/20

Beck, J.,, 10/11/20

Alexandra M. Kokoli, Remembering, Repeating and Working Through in ‘Anniversary–an act of memory’: by monica ross and Co-recitors (2008–) Performance Research 17 (5), 24-30 published online 09 October 2012


Battersby, C., Her Body/Her Boundaries, The Body, Journal of Philosophy and Visual Art, Academy Editions, Ernst & Son, 1993 ed, Andrew Benjamin, pp31-39

Catherine Grant: (Oxford art Journal 39:3, 2017) Feminist History Essay

Davis N, & Meezon Y.,staging an exilic autobiography On the pleasure and frustration of repetitions and return, performance research journal 20.5 pp.63-69

Katarzyna Kosmala, Paradoxa vol 39 2017 pp. 86-95 ‘Becoming imperceptible M/Other:Negotiating porous multiple selves

Little, S., repeating repetition, trauma and performance, Performance Research Journal 20.5 pp.44-50

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